My AMA on r/badeconomics

I did an AMA on r/badeconomics (whose name is tongue-in-cheek, as it's actually much more econ-savvy than r/economics). It ended up being really long, since it was posted a day early. But that just made it more fun! Thanks much to excellent moderator Jericho Hill for setting it up, and to everyone who posted questions.

Questions included:

1. Why do I diss Milton Friedman a lot these days?

2. Which is a bigger problem: 101ism, or the people who say econ is a bunch of neoliberal garbage?

3. Is heterodox econ the antidote to "economism"?

4. Do banks "lend excess reserves"?

5. Which economists in the public sphere do I respect the most?

6. How could the Euler Equation possibly be wrong?

7. Which pop econ books do I recommend?

8. Which economists in the public sphere do I respect the most?

9. What have economists changed their minds about the most in recent years?

10. Is the Permanent Income Hypothesis really "wrong"?

11. Does money need to be "backed" by some valuable commodity?

12. No, really, why do I hate Milton Friedman so much?

13. How did I develop my writing style?

14. Does Bloomberg pay me enough? Am I not afraid of life without tenure?

15. How does one get started being a blogger?

16. Neoliberalism is out of favor these days, so why keep on bashing it?

17. Who will be the next great public explainer of economics?

And more! A fun time was had by all. Check out the whole thing here.


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