Monday Music: A Very Lunar Clair de Lune

I always enjoy Tim Lennox's blog. He finds interesting news items to highlight, and he keeps me up on what is happening at NASA (Hubble pics, Mars Rover explorations, etc.). Last week, Tim posted this excellent compilation from NASA of lunar images set to the soundtrack of Clair de Lune:
"Moonlight (Clair de Lune) - Moon Images from Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter."

From the NASA YouTube site:

"This visualization uses a digital 3D model of the Moon built from global elevation maps and image mosaics by NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission. It was created to accompany a performance of Claude Debussy's Clair de Lune by the National Symphony Orchestra Pops, led by conductor Emil de Cou, at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, DC, on June 1 and 2, 2018, as part of a celebration of NASA's 60th anniversary."



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